Wednesday, September 24, 2008

70 York Rd, Centennial Park

This house uses two different colours of bricks in both a structural and decorative manner.

While the house is not entirely made of brick as the building sits on a sandstone base the bricks stand out as main feature due to the way the different colours are used to frame certain features such as the large archway.

52 Lang Rd, Centennial Park

This house uses dark bricks to create a continuation of the strong roof feature, which has tiles of a simular colour.

The bricks have been used creatively to create designs such as the angled brick pattern.

The brickwork is very accurate and has held up quite well to chips and cracks over the years.

139 Wellington St, Bondi

This building uses two different colours of bricks as well as two different surface textures to create a bold distinction between the different elements within the building.

The rough white bricks used for the balcony contrast with the smooth orange bricks used for the rest of the building.

3 Kippara Rd, Dover Heights

What struck me as interesting about this building was the colour and texture of the bricks used.

White bricks with a rough texture create a distinctive building material

These bricks are used in a structural role, the arches over the entrance are made entirely of cut bricks.

45 Salisbury Rd, Rose Bay

This house is an example of a deliberately using bricks which have been burned, chipped, blackened, cracked and discoloured to create a unique effect.

While the house itself is new it gives the impression of age as it has many cracked and chipped bricks.

169 O'Sulivan Rd, Rose Bay

This modern house stood out as it uses un-rendered brickwork. This is uncommon in the area for new houses, but it gives the house a unique quality.

The brickwork itself has a unfinished almost messy feel to it. The mortar is not even, and often there are splashes of it over the bricks themselves.

The dark colour of the bricks works well with the other materials such as the dark heavy wood.

82 Drumalbyn Rd, Bellevue Hill

This building uses bricks both structurally and decoratively. For example while the load bearing walls are made entirely of brick, decorative features such as the arches and distinctive brick courses under the window sill are also entirely brick.

The colour and quality of the brickwork varies throughout the building. Much of the original brickwork has been damaged over time, chips and cracks can be clearly seen.